You can’t control the weather, but you can control your heat pump from wherever you are!
They say in Auckland that if you don’t like the weather just wait an hour and it will have changed. While this is great for us it does mean keeping your home at a comfortable temperature can be tricky. Autumn is here now and that means some even more changeable weather – chilly mornings, warm hot afternoons and cold nights! Managing these changing temperatures in your home can be a challenge. You can leave a cool house in the morning that needs heat but come home to a stuffy, hot home from the afternoon sun – and you can have your heat pump switching from heating to cooling constantly and not performing efficiently.
Keeping your home at a comfortable temperature makes a huge difference to your wellbeing and this is where Mitsubishi Electric’s Wi-Fi controlled heat pumps comes in. Being able to control your heat pump with Wi-Fi Control keeps you in charge of your home’s heating and cooling through your smartphone or tablet from wherever you are. Whether you are at work, on the way home, or even when you’re in a different country, Wi-Fi Control gives you real time management so you’ll always arrive home to total comfort regardless of what New Zealand’s ever changing weather is doing outside!
Complete heat pump control at your fingertips
We firmly believe that Mitsubishi heat pumps are the most advanced on the market and features such as their wi-fi control help to cement this view. Not only does the wi-fi control enable you to manage the temperature of your home, but it enables you to control all aspects and features of your heat pump giving you a much more efficient operation which means more dollars saved for you!

Through the app on your phone you can change the heat pump modes, set the timer, control the fan speeds and settings, and even change the direction of the airflow. With the Mitsubishi Heat Pump system and smartphone app you can control every heat pump in your home with the touch of a few buttons and always have the control with you, wherever you are.
The best news is that you don’t need to have a whole new heat pump to add this feature. Most Mitsubishi heat pumps can be upgraded to include this functionality.
Expert Advice from Auckland’s leading Mitsubishi Heat Pump installer
Heat and Cool are Auckland’s leading installer of Mitsubishi Heat Pumps. Our expert team can help you to review your current set up and heating needs. We can assess your current heat pump system and recommend upgrade options for your home, whether you have a system already or are looking for a new heat pump installation.
It’s the perfect time to start to get your home ready for cooler days so contact us today to see how we can help.