Our top tips for avoiding colds and viruses this winter and your heat pump’s role in keeping your home healthy!
There are some simple and well known tips for staying well in the winter months when colds and flu are more common.
We’ve pulled together our top tips with one in particular that you might not know about how your heat pump can help to keep you healthy this winter!
Our top tips for a healthy home this winter

We’re just about to head into cold and flu season and with the world in the grips of the global pandemic, Covid-19, we are all increasingly aware of the winter viruses and making sure our homes and families stay healthy this winter.
At this time of the year there are a lot of things you can do to keep you and your home healthy and limit your chances of catching bugs, coronavirus or otherwise.
Here are some really simple things you do to keep yourself as healthy as possible and one surprising insight about your heat pump’s role in keeping your home healthy. Some of these might seem obvious but it really is easier than you think to avoid the bugs of the season.
1. Wash your hands!
Hopefully everyone is washing their hands plenty anyway but more than ever in the current climate washing your hands frequently and for long enough is critical. This is one of the best ways you can fight the spread of germs and viruses and keep your home healthy.
2. Cough or sneeze into your elbow
There has been a lot of talk about droplets with the spread of Covid-19. What this really focuses on is the way colds and flu spreads through tiny droplets of fluid. This means when you sneeze or cough don’t do it into the open air.. and that’s just good manners too! Cough or sneeze into your elbow rather than into your hands to limit the spread of germs around your home.
3. Boost your immune system
Eating healthily with a diet balanced in vitamins and minerals is a great way to ensure your body is able to fight of the risk of viruses and keep you well. A good guide is to ‘eat the rainbow’ with brightly coloured and varied fruits and veggies rich in a wide range of healthy boosters for your body.

4. Stay hydrated
Drinking plenty of water is one of the best ways you can help the health of your body, and when it comes to fighting colds and flu this matters even more. If you become dehydrated your body can’t fight off the bugs quite so well so make sure you keep yourself topped up!
5. Get enough sleep and stress less
This isn’t always easy but getting enough sleep and limiting the stress you are under will help your body to keep your immune system boosted and ready to fight the winter chills.
Listen to yur body and heady to bed early if you need to or take some important down time to rejuvenate and recharge.

6. Improve the air quality in your home
Air quality isn’t always the first thing you think of when it comes to fighting a cold but it has a much bigger impact than you might realise.
With cooler and wetter weather there is a natural increase in dampness which can bring with it a host of problems for your home. In particular, condensation can be particularly problematic and unhealthy for your family.. Where there is water in your home there is often mould or mildew which can release harmful spores into the air you breathe. Along with this the bugs, bacteria and viruses that can’t be seen can be lingering in your air causing problems for your family.
This is where heat pumps come! They have a host of features that help to clean, filter and purify the air that you breathe, as well as take some of the moisture out making sure that in your home your air is fresh and healthy.

Your home’s air is critical to your health
You have no way of knowing what airborne viruses, bacteria and allergens you have in your home’s air and without fresh, clean air in your home it is likely that if one member of your home becomes ill the rest will often follow.
We breathe a whopping 14,000 litres of air each day and as the weather cools down we often tend to spend more time indoors, have windows and doors open less and so inevitably our home’r air quality can suffer.
If your home has condensation or ventilation issues now is the time to act to get your home ready for the colder winter months.

A heat pump in your home will improve your air quality
Heat pumps will not only bring a warm and cosy feel to your home this winter but they will filter your air and improve its quality at the same time.
Mitsubishi heat pumps work quietly in your home to regulate the temperature and bring fresh, clean air into your home.
Our heat pumps have incredible filtration systems within which even the smallest particles are broken down to neutralise and deodorise the air before delivering it back into the room.
Some other heating methods can deplete your air quality even further, heat pumps have been designed to improve your air while providing optimum comfort.
Many of the heat pumps in our range feature enhanced air purification even further with the Plasma Quad Air Filter System.

This is an advanced filtration system that eliminates contaminants by using an electric field that catches 99% of dust particles, allergens, viruses and bacteria. Perfect for keeping your air quality at its best.

Installing a heat pump will do much more than just keep you warm this winter. Irt will help to keep your air quality high and keep as many of those bugs as possible at bay.
Get in touch with our team of experts today who can help design the right heat pump solution for your home and keep you warm, toasty and healthy this winter season.
Ask the Heat Pump Experts – now with Heat Pump Covers!
For expert advice about our Heat Pumps contact our team of experts. Heat and Cool are a leading Auckland partner of Heat Pump Covers and so you can be confident in our high standards and service. We have over 25 years of experience and are an Kiwi, family owned business known for excellence in our service.
At Heat and Cool, we offer no-obligation quotes to help you select the best possible heat pump system for your home. Every home is different, so it’s always wise to ask the experts for help in choosing the right heat pump to meet your needs!
Once you’ve selected the right heat pump, our professional team will get to work on your hassle-free heat pump installation, instantly upgrading your property to make it warmer and more comfortable in winter for your tenants and compliant with the new law.
So why wait? Get in touch with our team of experts today!