Why poor air quality is a major cause of household illness and how to improve it
This year has been a little bit crazy on many levels and more than ever we are all focused on our health, particularly lung health.
There are many things we can do to protect our family from air-borne bugs. Increasing hand washing, wearing masks, especially when you are ill have been raised in awareness along with an increased focus on building our immune systems with healthy eating and plenty of vitamins. But, did you know that a heat pump can play an important role in keeping your home healthy and your air quality high.
When it comes to the causes of illness, air quality is not always the first thing we think of. However, it has a much bigger impact on your health than you may realise.
The air around you must be clean if you want to strive for good health. Particularly as our seasons change there can be an increase in dampness, especially if your home is prone to condensation. Where there is dampness there is often mould which releases harmful spores into the air you breathe. Nasty bacteria and viruses can’t be seen, but if continuously present can cause a whole range of illnesses for you and your family.
Heat pumps have a number of filtration and purifying features that circulate air. Bacteria and viruses are filtered out in the circulation process to ensure you are delivered the cleanest, freshest air possible.

Are you aware of what’s in your air?
Unless viewed under a microscope, you have no way of knowing that airborne viruses, bacteria and allergens are lurking in your home. These pathogens can multiply at lightning speed and if one family member becomes ill, it’s likely that others will follow unless the air is regularly cleansed.
We breathe about 14,000 litres of air each day and spend most of winter indoors, be it at home or work. It’s no wonder air quality is so fundamental to staying healthy – particularly for those with asthma and allergies, you’ll want to be sure the air you are breathing is not harming you even more.
If your home has ventilation or insulation issues, having a plan to get on top of these as soon as you can.
A heat pump can provide a solution for this and will make your home more energy efficient and minimise the presence of dampness and mould.

Air quality is a major cause of illness
Even in the spring, when it’s cold outside, the thought of being cosy inside, especially on those chilly nights is so inviting. However, it’s a common misconception that being cold is the reason for catching a cold.
When we are cold we tend to wear clothing closer to our face, add to this the increase in wearing masks, which traps airborne pathogens in our clothing and gives them easy access to our respiratory system.
Respiratory issues, colds and viruses are rife in the cooler air and air quality is one of the main causes for these problems. We need to be sure our air is still getting a good amount of ventilation and circulation.
If you find your household or workplace is constantly being struck down with illnesses, consider changing your heating method. Perhaps the circulation and filtration processes within a heat pump is exactly what you need to improve your air quality and thus, your health.

Improve your air quality through heat pump filtration
Heat pumps work to improve air quality whilst delivering warmth and comfort to your home. While working away quietly in the back ground, heat pumps produce warmth and fresh air at the push of a button. Even the tiniest particles are broken down within the heat pump to neutralise and deodorise the air before delivering it back into the room.
While other heating methods can deplete your air quality even further, heat pumps have been designed to improve your air while providing optimum comfort.
The heat pumps in Mitsubishi Electric’s FH Series enhance air purification even further with the Plasma Quad Air Filter System.
This is an advanced filtration system that eliminates contaminants that may be present in your air. Ideal for homes with asthma and allergy sufferers, these heat pumps use an electric field that catches 99% of dust particles, allergens, viruses and bacteria.

Installing a heat pump is far more effective in staying warm than wearing layer upon layer of clothing. And, as we’ve seen, only good things can come from installing a heat pump.
Don’t let air quality be the cause of illness this winter.
Opt for a heat pump installation and receive the benefits of warmth, comfort and healthy air all in one package.
Call us today to find out more.